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公司介绍 公司介绍 瑞士SWAN水质分析仪表公司是全球领先的在线分析仪制造商。总部位于瑞士苏黎世Hinwill,所有仪器及部件均在瑞士本土生产制造。 作为世界领先的水质分析仪器供应商,SWAN产品被全球用户广泛的应用于自来水、环保、半导体、电力、石化、制药等工业领域,涉及饮用水、市政污水、工业污水、高纯水、超纯水、工业水处理系统等。 SWAN公司采取内部生产,每个传感器和仪表都是由SWAN瑞士总部研发并生产。从仪器零部件到后组装的每一步都经过了严格的质量控制程序。全部的仪表在出厂前都经过严格的检测,确保仪表的现场安装投运。SWAN产品具有测量准确、运行可靠、操作简单、维护量低、备品备件少、安装方便等特点。让每一台SWAN仪表工作正常是我们让用户满意的第一准则。 SWAN产品在世界上60多个国家和地区设有子公司和代理商,产品在中国已经有超过15年的成功应用。作为在线分析仪表的世界领导者,SWAN将继续为全球用户提供可靠的仪表和专业化的服务,不断提高技术创新和产品质量以满足不同客户的需求。 欢迎加入SWAN! History SWAN was founded on January 1st, 1991 by a group of experienced engineers (chemists, physicist, electronics, software development). It has been concentrating its efforts in the development and manufacturing of process analytical instruments for monitoring the water quality. At the beginning, only 10 people worked for SWAN, including the founders. They first concentrated on swimming pool and sanitary water applications as well as waste water treatment. Very soon, SWAN set the standard for the control of many other water quality parameters. In fact, the company expanded their activities to the power generation market (Water-Steam-Cycle monitoring) and semiconductor industries. With entering the power market, the rapid growth of SWAN started. During that time, the company SWAN Systeme AG emerged from the original SWAN Analytische Instrumente AG. Customer-specific requests for projects, overall projects and systems led to the foundation of SWAN Systeme AG Today SWAN has been a global leading provider of on-line analytical systems in the water industry. The current product portfolio ranges from ultrapure water (like pharmaceutical and semiconductor applications), feedwater, steam and condensate monitoring as well as potable water and industrial water treatment up to swimming pool and sanitary water applications. SWAN cooperates with independent representatives all over the world. To find all our local distributors and subsidiaries please contact us. In order to develop and expand the Chinese water supply market, we set up a joint venture with Beijing Orient Engineering Consulting Service Ltd in Suzhou SIP, China. SWAN China work together seamlessly to deliver benefits and services for chinese customers, the way of doing business is quality-based and performance-oriented. Welcome to join SWAN! 公司档案
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